Friday, March 5, 2010

Pediatrician Update

Hannah had her first visit with our pediatrician on Wednesday. She is gaining weight, despite not always wanting to eat, so that's good. She weighed in at 6 lbs even, which means she gained 10 ounces in one week. Due to her spitting up, the ped put her on Zantac for reflux. She does NOT like it at all. The ped also reviewed Hannah's paperwork from the hospital she was born at and decided that she does not think Hannah is a preemie afterall. There were two different tests done. One indicated she was several weeks early. But the other indicated she was born at 39 weeks gestation, which is full term. My ped said that the 39 week test is the one that is more reliable and more accepted by doctors, so she is going to go with that one. She said Hannah is just small and her sucking problems are just problems she had and are not because she was early. So that makes me feel better because being a preemie made me more worried for her development and her immune system. I had thought she was early, because the birthmother told me she was early, however the birthmother never had any prenatal care, so she never had an official due date and could have been a month off in her guesstimate. That plus her size and sucking issues all seemed to line up to me. My ped does want to keep an eye on her weight, so we will be going back in next week for a weight check.

When we first brought Hannah home, we often had a hard time getting her to eat. However, that is changing. Since yesterday, she is actually waking up on her own and crying for a feeding. This is new for her. She woke up on her own last night every three hours wanting to eat. She is also now sometimes wanting three ounces instead of two. I know there is a growth spurt that occurs between the 2nd and 3rd week of life, so I think she's hitting that growth spurt. The preemie diapers actually fit now. She is still gassy, but not as gassy as when she was on the regular formula. It is keeping her from getting comfortable at night so she, John, and I aren't getting good sleep at night. She makes up for it in the daytime; John and I....well, we also have three little boys, so not so much. They get up at 7. We're trying to get to bed earlier and nap in the afternoons, but John won't be able to nap once he's back at work next week. But it's all good. She's worth it. :)


  1. It's amazing the difference in a brand spanking new baby and just 2 short weeks. Praise God she is growing and gaining... she is loved and she knows it!

  2. Julianne was on Zantac and HATED it! Ours was minty and I guess it irritated her throat. We went to Prevacid and saw a drastic improvement in refluxing. Praying for this to resolve quickly!
