Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Our 2015 Christmas Newsletter

Seasons Greetings!!!

     I'm sorry to post our Christmas newsletter here instead of mailing it out to everyone. The last 6 weeks have been crazy busy with events and sicknesses. I ran out of time to do everything I wanted to do before Christmas and it was either post it here or not do one at all. So I figured that here was better than the alternative. But if you read to the end, I promise to make up for it!

     It has been another busy year for us. This year has been full of new things. The boys have explored new sports and are reaching new levels with their musical abilities, we've learned how to get to more new places locally and are needing to use the GPS less often, the kids have learned many new skills, Nikki was licensed to teach a new fitness class, Hannah is a new reader, and John managed his very own field for the first time (while still working for his grandfather). We've grown new types of vegetables and tried out many new recipes with them. We have made new traditions to replace old ones that can no longer be continued. We are learning to grow new roots and to flourish where we have been planted.

    It's also been a year full of treasured visits. We have been so blessed to host many loved ones in our new home. We have been able to spend time with many members of John's family, my (Nikki) parents, three sets of very close friends that we have known since Luke was a baby (or before), John's cousin and his family, and even the evangelist who performed our wedding ceremony. Visits with beloved friends and family are so special and we treasure each one.

    My children are growing up too quickly! Luke is 10.5 now and in the 5th grade. He is studying guitar under his daddy's guidance and is doing really well. He has played and sang in a local nursing home and just this morning he led our church in singing Silent Night while he played his guitar. Talk about a proud mama moment! He is also a part of our homeschool group's children's choir. He was a Classical Conversations memory master again this past spring. Nathanael was also a memory master this past school year. He is now 9 and in the 4th grade. He is still taking piano lessons and is also doing very well. He is also a part of the homeschool choir.  Luke and Nathanael have learned some basic cooking skills as well as how to make a few easy meals and they have been a big blessing to me in the kitchen.  Micah will turn 8 next month and is now in the 2nd grade. He has had some struggles with schoolwork, but the Lord is always faithful to show me how to help him and now he is doing much better. Micah is also taking piano and is a part of the choir. He is transitioning from being a little boy to a big boy and is learning how to have his own ideas (instead of just following his brothers) and how to do things his own way. My guys are totally addicted to Lego Technics. These special Legos have gears, remotes & receivers, moving parts, and power functions. They have amazed me with some of the creations they come up with. I think we have some little engineers on our hands. Nathanael especially is really good at building vehicles that really drive (without using instructions). He really enjoys making them realistic and including moving pistons. The boys started expressing an interest in sports this year . Luke and Nathanael have been on swim teams before, but other than that the boys really haven't cared much about sports thus far. Nathanael and Micah decided to play baseball this spring and both boys really enjoyed it and are looking forward to playing again next spring. All three boys have fallen in love with basketball this fall. I have been managing five practices and two to four games a week between the three of them in addition to our music lessons, my Zumba classes, and our other activities. It's been crazy, but I don't mind since they are having such a good time and it's only for a season. Hannah will be 6 in February and started kindergarten this year. My baby really isn't a baby at all anymore. She's doing really well in school and is picking things up very quickly. She's mastered counting to 100 and is working on learning her addition facts. She is reading one and two vowel words and starting to learn those special English sounds that don't follow normal patterns. She is not old enough yet to be in the homeschool choir, but enjoys practicing with them, since I help out with rehearsals. She is hoping to start music lessons next year and is requesting to learn to play the violin. She isn't involved in any sports yet, although I have debated putting her in gymnastics several times. She is learning to be a kitchen and housework helper and is pretty good at sweeping and vacuuming when she decides she wants to do it.

     John has had a busy year. He began renting a 140 acre field from his grandfather and officially became a farmer, and not just farm help. He does still also work for his grandfather. He grew soybeans this year and will grow corn next year (they rotate between the two crops). It was a very wet spring and that caused issues for him (and many other farmers in this area). They were not able to plant when they wanted to and then after they finally were able to plant, we got a lot more rain. John's fields were flooded several times and he lost some of his crop because of it. When you plant late or have to re-plant, the big concern is whether or not your crops will be ready to harvest before the first frost. But God is gracious and John was still able to get a decent crop. He has not sold it yet, as the bean prices are lower than he'd like, so pray the prices will rise before he has to sell. I mentioned in the last newsletter that he has taken up deer hunting. We were able to save a lot of money with the meat he got last year, and we discovered that the venison here is tasty. So he has a goal of three deer this hunting season. 

     As I mentioned earlier, I got a new fitness license this year and I am now licensed to teach Zumba Gold, in addition to regular Zumba and Zumba kids. This is a special kind of Zumba class that is geared towards seniors and beginners. It's low impact and not as fast paced as regular Zumba. It's been well received at my gym and I will start teaching a regular class when the new year starts. This will make a total of three classes per week that I'll be teaching at the Y. Next on my list will be Aqua Zumba, which is Zumba in the pool! It's being requested at my Y and I am the only Zumba instructor there. With the addition of Hannah to our school day, homeschooling became more challenging for me. I really struggled at first to learn to how to balance my time in order to make sure everyone got what they needed from me. Thankfully, we are in a good routine now and things are going much smoother. We know that this is what God wants for our children, and He has been faithful to help me time after time when I don't think I can do it or don't know how to address a problem. I could not do this without Him. I started facilitating a women's group for the first time. There are three other ladies from my church in my group. We are doing a year long program called The 7th Year ( and it's been going well. I have been experiencing some very unpleasant and painful gastrointestinal issues since last November. I wound up having to do an elimination diet and it seems to be just what I needed. It's really hard to stick to, but I am having really good results. It appears I can no longer tolerate gluten and can only handle limited amounts of dairy. My kids had to remove dairy and gluten from their diets years ago, but I had been able to eat those things until recently. I miss soft bread, but eating gluten is not worth experiencing the pain I was having.

     Our family was able to take a vacation to Branson, MO in early September. We were able to take the kids to the Sight and Sound Theatre there to see Jonah. I had asked to go see it as a family for my birthday/anniversary/Mother's Day present. (Those three special days are all within a month's time for me.) It was their first musical and they absolutely loved it and are begging to go back next year to see Moses. We did miss our traditional trip to the beaches in North Carolina with our friends, but we did have a great time in Branson and would go back again. There is a lot to do there and not all of it costs money. We were also able to take a camping trip in NE over the 4th of July weekend. During the summer months, John was able to incorporate the boys into some of his farming. Due to all the rain this year, there were lots of weeds to deal with. John and the boys went out on several occasions to weed in the bean field. He paid them for their work, so they were quite excited for a chance to be with dad and earn money at the same time. They also helped with many of the garden chores this year and enjoyed taking turns riding in the combine with dad during harvest time. They are getting to the point now where they are actually helpful (in many different areas) instead of just needing to be trained all the time. This is a new stage for us and although I miss their baby days, this is a fun stage too. Currently, we are seeking the Lord concerning providing foster care for young children. It's something we are wanting to pursue as a way to serve others as a family and love on little ones. But we want to be in God's will concerning the timing and details. So you can pray for wisdom and direction for us in that. 

     That about sums it up for us for the year. If this is your first visit to my blog, you can go back through old posts to hear about some other happenings in our lives and also to see photos from our year. I haven't posted photos from our vacation yet, but I will be doing that soon. You can subscribe to my blog on the right side of this page by entering your email address. You can choose to have updates sent directly to your inbox so that you don't have to remember to check the blog. 

     John has been having harmony practices with the boys and we've been trying to teach them how to sing well and how to blend. We still have a lot of work to do in that area, but I wanted to share with you the results of some of that practicing. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas --Wilcox style! This is something I could not have shared with you in a regular newsletter. :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Musical Performances

The kids have been involved in a local homeschool choir this year. They are enjoying it and learning more about how to sing properly. I have been assisting the leader with practices. Here is some footage from their performance at a nursing home earlier this month. Luke has a duet in this song with one of the other kids.If you look closer to the right side of the choir, you will see Hannah in a green dress. She is not technically part of the choir, but the director let her join them at the nursing home.

And here is footage from Nathanael and Micah's last piano recital.

Micah playing Away In A Manger

Micah and Nathanael playing Ode to Joy

Nathanael playing Snowflake Rag and Winter Wonderland

Here is Luke leading our church in singing Silent Night last Sunday as part of the children's Christmas play.

Love my musical babies!

Lots of visitors!!

We have been blessed to have many special visitors this year!! We started out with the same friends that visited us back in September that we have known since Luke was 6 months old. They were able to be here to celebrate Micah's birthday with us.
The kids all watch a movie on Micah's bday.

Then we got a visit from two of John's aunts. There were here to visit John's grandma (their mother), but since we are only ten minutes from them now, they were able to come to the house and spend some time with us too.

 Aunt Ruth came to see us during Mother's Day weekend.
Going to a Japanese steak house is our Mother's Day tradition.

Next up, was a visit from one of my good friends from home. She told me on my birthday that she was going to come and see me. She was able to spend a few days in June with us and got to see some of our new life. We had a good visit. She got to see the farm, go to Zumba with me, watch some of the boys' baseball games, and hear the boys play music. She helped me paint an accent wall in my bedroom and we had several good conversations.
My friend Cherlyn and I

We got a visit from John's cousin and his family in late July. The kids had a great time playing together as you can see in the photo! One benefit of being in the midwest is that we can spend more time with some parts of the family that we have not previously been able to visit with often. So we look forward to seeing John's cousin and his family more often now.
My kids and John's cousins' kids playing dress up

Then we had a visit from John's mother. We were busy working and playing and I neglected to take any photos, but we had a good time nonetheless. I think playing Monopoly and going bowling were highlights for the kids.

After that, we had a one night visit from our friend who performed our wedding ceremony. He is an evangelist ( and was on his way back to VA from a time of ministry at Sturgis. He had his youngest daughter with him and we enjoyed getting to see them both. The kids loved playing with his daughter. She is one of 11, so she is great with kids.
Denny and Tabitha with the kids out front of our house

Next came a visit from my parents. This was their first trip out here, so they were finally able to get a glimpse into our new life. We had fun visiting some local museums and tourist spots. My kids also enjoyed the gluten free cupcakes their grandparents bought them. My dad also helped Luke and Nathanael work on their chess skills. Dad took all the photos, so I don't have any with him in them!
The kids and I with my mother during a visit to the Black history museum in Omaha

It was quiet for awhile after that visit, but we just had one more special visit over Thanksgiving from close friends from VA. They are the friends we used go to the beach with every summer and we have also  known them since Luke was a baby. We had a great week with them and the kids played hard from sun-up to sun-down. There were many late night chats that led to some very tired mommies and daddies, but it was totally worth the bags under our eyes. My kids had just received Pilgrim costumes from my parents and my friends' kids had Indian costumes, so the kids wound up doing a reenactment of the story of Thanksgiving, which we made into a little movie. It's a nice little keepsake from the visit.
Crazy Pilgrims and Indians

So who wants to sign up to come see me next year? ;)