Sunday, June 11, 2017

June Piano Recital '17

Things have been going well here. The baby is doing well and we are all enjoying having her here. She is a really content and happy little girl and is easy to take places as well. John was dealing with yet another very wet spring and was delayed in planting his field again, but he was finally able to get it done last week. So we are thanking God for that. He is growing soybeans this year. The kids have been enjoying the 90 degree temps we had last week (and will have again this week). We've been playing in the water a lot and just enjoying feeling the sun on our skin. Winter lasts so long here that it's so nice when it finally gets hot!

The boys had another piano recital today. Here are the videos from that.

Nathanael playing an original composition he calls "Sailor's Waltz."

Micah playing My Counrty 'Tis of Thee.

And the boys playing a song called "Balloon Pop Polka." This song is written for two pianos and eight hands, so they played it with two brothers that we are friends with.

That's about all I have to share for now. We don't have a whole lot going on at the moment.