Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hannah's Birthmom

I forgot to share this with you. The social workers from the office that we picked Hannah up from said that Hannah's birthmother and sisters are doing much better. The sisters have accepted this and they are processing it. They are making a scrapbook for us to keep for Hannah. I told the workers how my heart had been breaking for the birthmom and they told me that Hannah's birthmother is happy for her and that I should be happy too. She does miss her, but she is very excited about her daughter's future with us and is so glad she chose us. She does not regret her decision. That does make me feel better. We will probably have a reunion visit with them in June.


  1. Oh Nikki.. how I've been praying for you to be able to hear that. I wrestled with the same thoughts until I was told by our social worker that our birthmom was "at peace and happy with her decision." I'll never forget the peace that sentence gave us. (((HUGS)))

  2. I could totally understand how that would give you peace. As much as I've been rejoicing for your family, I've been thinking about that precious mama and those sisters ever since you shared the news. She sounds like a very strong woman, and very wise. She made an excellent choice. God led her to you. Amazing!!!!
