Thursday, October 31, 2013

Where's the story?


As you can quickly see, I no longer update this blog. As of this posting, Hannah is now 3.5 years old. She is a spunky, little firecracker with sparkly eyes. She is healthy, happy, and very intelligent. I had begun this blog to keep our family and friends updated on the status of our adoption. Once the adoption was finalized, I really didn't see a need to keep up with this blog any longer. Still, I leave it up because it chronicles our story....a story which people still ask for the link to years later. So where is the story? It starts here:

The Journey Has Begun

I tried to get all the posts to post in reverse order to make it easier for people to follow, but I can't find an option for that. So you will have to go backwards and work your ways forwards to follow our journey. Sorry!

This next post is one of the ones I consider to be really important. It is my Bethel or my post of remembrance. It tells of God's faithfulness and goodness to us and how we came to a place of wanting to adopt when we already had a 3,2, and 1 year old.


My kids are asking for another baby, so we shall see if this blog gets re-activated.....stay tuned!

The adoption timeline:

February 16th, 2011- Hannah turned 1 today!

November 26th- Hannah's adoption was legally finalized today! She is now legally forever our daughter!

June 5th- Hannah smiled today!

April 16th- Hannah is two months old today! Today we had our second post placement visit. The next one will be in June.

March 11th- Adoption Day! Hannah is officially placed with us and the final placement paperwork is signed. We also have our first of three post placement visits.

March 5th- Birthfather search is completed (he was not found) and she is now ours!!!!

February 26, 2010- Placement Day!!!

February 19, 2010- We meet our baby's birthmother. We were able to spend two hours with her. Afterwards, we get to meet our baby and spend 35 minutes with her.

February 17, 2010- We get a call that we have been chosen by a birthmother to be the parents of her little girl. The wait is on and we should get to bring her home on February 26th, if everything goes through.

February 16, 2010- Unbeknownst to us, a little girl is born about an hour south of us. Her mother will not be able to bring herself to make the call to the agency until the next day.

February 10, 2010- The bank that had approved us for an adoption loan decides not to offer those loans to anyone anymore and revokes our approval.

November 13, 2009- The birthmother sends in her revocation papers and states that she would like her baby back

November 11, 2009- A baby girl is born and her birthmother chooses us to be her adoptive family

October 2, 2009- Homestudy approved

September 26, 2009- Zumbathon Fundraiser

September 19, 2009- Yard Sale Fundraiser

August 24, 2009- Fundraiser Event at Cici's Pizza

August 21, 2009- Nikki's solo interview and our home inspection; profile turned in

August 14, 2009- Joint interview and John's solo interview completed

July 30,2009- Formal application paperwork submitted.

April 2009- Preliminary application accepted. Had our first interview with our social worker and also attended the two day adoption training seminar

March 2009- preliminary application and statement of faith submitted

January 2009 -Attended information meeting at agency