Friday, October 30, 2009

No news

Many people are telling me they have been checking the blog and haven't seen anything and they are asking what's going on. If you don't see a post in awhile, it means nothing is going on. I have not forgotten that I have blog readers who are waiting to hear something. I'm waiting to hear something too! We haven't gotten any phone calls or been matched with anyone, so nothing really happens until either a birth mom wants to meet us, or we get a call that there is a baby already born whose birthmom has chosen us. I will definitely let you know if something exciting happens. Until then, please keep praying.

As far as wanting to breastfeed goes- The pumping I've been doing is starting to yield some results, albeit very small results, so keep praying that the Lord gives me a full milk supply! I am encouraged to be seeing changes this quickly.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nursing an adopted baby

Induced Lactation...the concept sounds crazy to some people and others have no idea such a thing is even possible. Anyone who knows me should know by now that I am not very mainstream when it comes to my kids, so it should come as no surprise that I want to do this. Although some aspects of breastfeeding are very challenging, I really enjoyed nursing my boys. I nursed all three of them almost exclusively (meaning we used very few bottles). The first two nursed until I got pregnant with the next baby and lost my milk ( 8 months for one and 9 for the other). Micah nursed until he was 14 months. I have a very strong desire to be able to nurse my daughter. Apparently, there are different ways to go about it. There are some methods of inducing lactation that include taking medicine and hormone supplements. We are not quite comfortable with this idea, but it's supposed to be the method that brings in the most milk. Many women who try to induce lactation are able to get some milk in, but how much you will get varies and there is no way to know whether you will only get an ounce of milk or a full supply. Obviously, I would like to get a full supply in. I have several factors in my favor, including the fact that I have done this three times already and it's only been 7 months since I did it last. (Even women who have never been pregnant or nursed have been able to induce lactation and nurse adopted babies.) Still, there is no guarantee that I'll even get an ounce. However, my experience with God thus far has been that He delights in giving us things not necessarily needed, but sometimes things we would just like to have. I do the same for my children. My Father knows it is my heart's desire to nurse my child and I have asked for him to bring in a full milk supply by the time I need to have it (which only He knows at this point.) I am asking him to do it without the need for drugs and hormone supplements. So please join me in praying for this. Pray for me also, that if He chooses not to do this, that I will be ok with it and just trust that He knows what is best. I'll let you know how it all turns out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Zumba Pics

Here are some of the pictures from the Zumba fundraiser. My friend Jasa would like to be more involved in photography, and she offered to photograph the event for me free of charge. Thanks, Jasa!

Zumbathon Fundraiser


Have you seen my updated total of what we still need over on the right side of the page about half way down? Wow! Praise the Lord!!! It's coming in.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Updated Zumba total

The updated Zumbathon total is $362!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's official!!

We're approved! I heard from our social worker today that our homestudy has been approved by her supervisor. What this means is that we can now have a baby any day. From here on out, it's just a waiting game. We're supposed to have the money the day we are placed with a baby, so please pray with us that God provides the rest of the money by the time he brings our daughter along. What happens now is that our profile will be shown to any moms they think we are a good match for. When one chooses us, we either wait for her to deliver her child or if the baby is already born, we go get our baby! It's a very exciting milestone. With the exception of $4,200, we are ready. Her room is ready enough, we have clothes, a carseat, etc. So please pray that God will bring her in His timing and that we will be able to wait patiently until then.