Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Starting off our trip with a bang

Well, it's 9:30 and we were going to try to leave at 8am. We're getting a late start to our morning, due to an unexpected visit from EMS and a trip to the ER. Micah has had a cold, but last night he was coughing so much that I was afraid he was not getting enough oxygen. I gave him a nebulizer treatment at 8pm and he stopped coughing after that. At 2am, he started again, so I have him another one. This time, the treatment did nothing for him and his cough worsened. At 2:45am, I called our nurse advice line and she heard his cough in the background. I was advised to call 911 and have him checked out. This scared both of us, but we did it. The EMS workers said his lungs were clear and he looked good, but thought that it was probably due to the nebulizer treatment. They were concerned that he might worsen once the meds wore off, so they advised he go to the ER and be checked out. Because he was stable, they gave us the option of taking him in ourselves or going by ambulance. We decided that I would take him in while John stayed here. His oxygen levels varied a bit and his pulse was high while I was there, causing his monitors to start beeping, but overall they were not too concerned. He had a chest xray to make sure his lungs were clear and then we were discharged. They said he has an upper respiratory infection. I was so exhausted by the time I got home at 5:30am and I had not had any sleep yet. John was up while we were gone. He tried to rest, but you can only rest so much when your wife is gone to the ER (driving in snow and on black ice) with your baby. So we slept a little later than planned and are both tired. We would appreciate your prayers for Micah for healing and for us as we drive to MS over the next two days.

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