Friday, December 4, 2009

Open Adoption

I have had a few questions about open adoption lately. Yes, we are open to an open adoption and we told them that several months ago. Yes, it scares me a little, but I prayed about this and have peace with this decision. It doesn't bother John at all. We are also fine with semi-open and closed adoptions. We didn't tell them we had any preference between the three. Our concern is first for our child and then for the birthparents, not ourselves. If the birthmom does not want any contact, that is fine, we respect her wishes. But if she'd like to hear from us or see her child sometimes, we can certainly understand that. Our agency does require that a yearly update (with photo) be sent in to them. So they have that on file if the birthparents want to see it. We are not wanting to be completely open. We do not want to give out our address or phone number, but we are fine with setting up an email address just for the birthmom to contact us with that wouldn't have our last name on it. We don't want her to come here, but we are fine with meeting up at an outside location, like the agency's office. We understand that this is a gut-wrenching decision for her and she may want to see Hannah sometimes just to know she made the right choice. If at some point, Hannah decides that she isn't comfortable with meetings, we'd stop. I think it might be nice to be able to ask questions, should we need to, especially those of a medical nature. It could also be a venue for ministry to the birthmother. We are just trusting that God in His sovereignty will bring us the child/situation that He wants us to have. And whoever that is and whatever the details are, He has a plan for it all and we want to be a part of it.


  1. I was adopted - it was an open adoption. I have mixed feelings about open and closed. Closed you are always left wondering. However open, well my birthmother screwed me up mentally with promising to visit and not showing, and then when she did come I loved her and didnt want her to leave... but I was also given up at the age of 4 so I think the circumstances were different. I too was supposed to be given up at birth and there was a family ready to take me but she too changed her mind. Had I actually gone to the family, I think it would have been confusing to me to know this 'other mother' that I only saw once per year. But then at least there woudl not be the unknown cause I would have been able to see her and ask her questions. Very emotional I think, I am very mixed about it.

  2. Amy,

    I have two adopted siblings. I found it very interesting that they both thought I should stay away from an open adoption. Neither of them has ever met their birthmother. They both had different reasons, but they came to the same conclusion.
