Saturday, November 14, 2009


In the unexpectedness of yesterday, two things that happened yesterday went unmentioned that I was going to tell people. The first was that we had found out in the morning that the baby was not full African-American as we had originally been told. She is biracial. There had been some miscommunication somewhere. The birthmother is white and the birthfather is black. We had thought that was pretty cool, since our boys are biracial as well. Unless the birthmother changes her mind again, this really doesn't matter anymore, but I wanted to share it anyhow since I had made a comment about her light coloring.

The second is that Micah will be having surgery first thing Monday morning. Many of you are aware of the high number of ear infections my poor baby has had. When he got healed of the breathing problems and the allergies back in June, I had hoped the ears were included in the healing as well. And at first it seemed that perhaps they were. He didn't have an ear infection for six weeks after that, which is the longest he had gone in 8 months. But even though the frequency was reduced (he had been having them every few weeks), he has still been having them. He's had 4 since we went to see the ENT at the end of May, and he has a double ear infection right now, so 6 in 6 months, on top of the many he had already had earlier this year. On Tuesday, I scheduled an ENT appt for Friday (yesterday). I just wanted the first available doc so I could get him in as quickly as possible. The ENT confirmed what we already knew. He needs tubes. We have tried absolutely everything else, including allergy testing, homeopathic remedies, and regular visits to the chiro and nothing is working. They said they could have it done within 2-3 weeks and I told them we were going to be picking up an infant on the 23rd (this is right before I got the call that we weren't going to be picking up a baby anymore). I asked if there was any way we could get it done before we had a newborn and they said they could get us in Monday morning. So we got that all set up and I got him pre-registered at the hospital. Of course, then things changed with the adoption, but I'm just going to leave the appt where it is. I am glad that in only two more days, we won't have to deal with this anymore. The ENT thinks that Micah's speech has been affected by the fluid in his ears and noted that Micah mumbles. I hadn't really noticed; just chalked it up to him being only one, as they are sometimes hard to understand. He has been hearing through fluid, which muffles things. Kids in this situation mumble because they are just repeating what they hear. He said we are going to notice a big difference in his speech in the next few weeks and that he will be less clumsy as well. So please keep him in your prayers for Monday morning that his surgery will go well with no complications and that he will have a speedy recovery. Pray that his brothers will be quieter than normal (they are loud children, despite my efforts to make them quieter). The ENT said things are going to be loud to him as he will be hearing things clearly, perhaps for the first time. I'll update you on him after we're back. I should only be gone a few hours, and the procedure itself should only take 15 minutes.

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