Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Call me crazy....

I'm about to do something I've never done before. I'm going to drive 21 hrs with four kids under the age of ten....all by myself. Since John is busy with the harvest right now and will be working long hours and six day work weeks, the kids and I have decided to go spend some time with my parents in Florida. We are going to stop in Mississippi on the way there and on the way back and spend a little time with John's family. We're going to be gone for the majority of the month. I figure if I'm going to drive all that way, I better stay for a bit. I'm sad to be away from John for that long, as it will be the longest that we have ever been apart in the last ten years. But we are excited for warm weather, pools, beaches, and seeing family. My parents decided to move to Florida earlier this year. Their house sold quickly, so they were gone four months after they told me they were leaving. I have not gotten to see their new house yet, so it will be nice to see where they are living now. My younger brother lives less than an hour from them, so it will be nice to see him too. Mom has two siblings who live in FL now, so we will get to see them too. And it turns out that John's cousin lives two miles away from my parents' house, so we will see her too.

I'm going to break up the driving and take my time getting down there, since we have plenty of hotel points I can use. We will go 6.5 hrs to St. Louis the first day. The kids don't know it yet, but I will take them up in the Arch. If we have time, I will take them to the zoo there. It's free and they have elephants. Hannah has been begging to see zebras and elephants and the zoo here does not have elephants and the zebra exhibit is closed until fall 2015. So we may just go see things that we can't see here. The next day, we will drive 4 hrs to Memphis. As we head down that way, we will stop at an Indian mound dwelling and go inside to see what the city inside looked like. We will learn about those later this school year, so I thought it would be cool to have actually seen one. We will have time there too, so weather permitting, we will go and see a 5 block replica of the Mississippi River. Hopefully, we will have some pool time at the hotel too, so we can get some energy out. The third day, we will go 5 hours to my mother and father in law's house in MS and spend two nights with them. Then on the 5th day, we will drive the final 9 hours to my parents' house. My kids are pretty good little road trippers, so I think that since I'm breaking up the drive with fun stuff, they will do fine. We will stay at mom and dad's for a week and a half and then head back home. On the way back, my father will drive with me the first six hours. I'm going to stop and see John's parents again on the way home and my sister in law will be meeting me there to join us for the remainder of our drive. So I'll only be without another adult for three hours on the drive home, which I am pretty excited about.

My kids decided to get colds over the weekend, so pray they are all better by the time we get to MS on Friday night. I really think that they should be. I hired a sub to teach my Classical Conversations class for me, since I didn't think they should go. I'm making sure they get lots of vitamins, herbs, rest, and bone broth. It seems to be working. We don't usually stay sick for very long, and I think it's due to our healthy diet.

Please keep us in your prayers for safety and health! Pray also for safety for my husband (those farm machines are quite dangerous!!!) and that the Lord will really bless the time that John will have to himself. I'm praying it will be a fruitful time for him. Tomorrow is packing day, so I better get to bed now.

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