Saturday, September 27, 2014

What I've been up to lately....

Canning! That's what I have been up to. And I'm so ready to be done with it. I know many people around here have larger gardens than we do, but this is the biggest one we have ever had. Our cucumber plants have been quite fruitful. I think we are set for pickles for two years now. Most of the pickles at the store have yellow dye in them. We avoid food dye like the plague, so I wanted to make our own. But this was a lot more than I had in mind. The big jars are half gallon jars. We have dill, relish, bread and butter, and lacto fermented. Unfortunately, no one here likes lacto fermented. I had just wanted to try it. And I had to try a few different dill recipes before we discovered we liked my sister in law's recipe. So I have pickles no one wants to eat. All that work for naught.  I have a little over five gallons worth total.

Then there are the tomatoes. I now have four and a half gallons of homemade spaghetti sauce and two and a half gallons of homemade salsa. I also have canned tomatoes and the plants are still going strong, so there will be more. 

Canning sauces takes a long time!! I had no idea. I am thankful for the organic produce, but I don't think I'm going to mind winter either. ;)


  1. Do the cans have a shelf life? If you've got the sauces and pickles that no one wants to eat can you donate them? All of it looks really good :-)

  2. Well done! Have you thought of selling them or are you saving all? I would so buy some if I were local
