Wednesday, June 2, 2010

15 weeks

I apologize for being such a blog slacker. Now that Hannah is here, I am sure you can understand that I have less time for blogging. At least we're still getting schoolwork done!

Hannah is now 15 weeks old. She's still a tiny thing and people think she's a newborn when we're out. Yesterday, she wore her fist 0-3 month sized outfit, but many of them are still too big for her. She's now cooing and has the beginnings of a laugh. She hold her head up like a champ and has even rolled from front to back a few times. Her back is getting much stronger too and I think that in a few more weeks, she'll be able to play in the Jumperoo and exersaucer. She has a TON of hair and I have been having fun styling it already!

For Memorial Day weekend, Hannah went on her first camping trip. She was a champ! Her daytime naps were shorter, but she still slept all night long, like usual. I was slightly nervous about how she'd do, but since she did so well, we are considering some more camping trips now. I won't have any pics of that until I get my friend's pics. I did remember to bring the camera, but I forgot the memory card. It was still in my laptop, so I wasn't able to take any pics.

Despite her tiny little belly, Hannah drinks 6 ounce bottles now. She was still having issues with formula, so I now have a friend who pumps milk for Hannah. I was never able to bring in a milk supply. When Hannah can get at least 8 ounces of breastmilk a day, she is less fussy, less gassy, and does not get constipated. When she has only formula for more than two days (like when we went camping last weekend), she gets constipated again and is in obvious discomfort. I am so grateful for my friend and for the Lord's provision for Hannah in this area. I know it may seem weird to some people, but I am a firm believer that breastmilk really is best for a baby, and I see the difference it makes for her. I am also excited about the health benefits she can now receive.

Hannah will be going in for her 4 month check up on the 18th, so I'll have an official weight and length for you then. The "me standing on the scale alone and then with Hannah method and subtracting the difference method" gave me a weight of ten and a half pounds.

We have had two of our required three post-placement visits with the social worker. I will be calling on Monday to set up the third visit and then we can start the legal paperwork for finalizing the adoption and making her legally ours. I have not heard anything from Hannah's birthmother, so I don't know how they are doing.

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing! I definitely agree with you about the breast milk!!
