Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Almost there!

We are getting closer and closer to being done with all our paperwork. My goal is to have it done by the end of next week. I know it seems like we should be done by now, but there are so many things going on in our lives right now. In addition to the normal tasks we do each day, the house has needed a lot of work, the children have been children, and we are now launching a new Bible study (we call them life groups) at our church. We are co-leading it with another couple. We all previously attended the same group, but the old leaders have moved away and through a series of God-lead events, the entire group has morphed into a totally different group with a different focus. We will be teaching the Alpha course to our group. We are both really excited about our role in the group and also the people in it and I think God is going to do really good things in the coming weeks and months. Please continue to pray for the adoption process and the funds needed to make that happen. I will update you next week and let you know that we reached our paperwork goal.

1 comment:

  1. Still Praying! I remember that big ol' stack of papers and thinking about doing them again gives me a knot in my tummy!

